Caladium Bathroom

Caladium Bathroom

Caladiums are beautiful foliage plants with colorful leaves with... zero tolerance to frost, and growing Caladiums as indoor plants is rather challenging - as they require a pretty high humidity level.

Sowing & planting


Water needs
Granulométrie plants.granulometry_3
Frost-resistance Low
Zone USDA 11a
Height 30 - 120
pH 6.4 - 6.8

Plant my caladium

You need a bright place, albeit protected from direct sun - especially in the afternoon - and away from the heaters. Moist rooms are best - a bathroom, a tropical greenhouse is ideal. Caladium is a plant with great development, so choose a large pot - minimum 5 liters. For the planting use potting soil for indoor plant or a compost well decomposed and draining. Water copiously with non-calcareous water after planting.

Water my caladium

Water often and abundantly in the summer, with non-calcareous and non-chlorinated water. In winter, let the top soil dry slightly before watering.

Put outside my caladium

In summer, take out your caladium and place it in the shade. You should shelter it back before the cold returns.

Shelter my caladium

Bring your caladium inside at the end of the summer, find it a bright place protected from direct sun - especially in the afternoon - and away from the heaters.

Fertilize my caladium

In summer, pour every 2 weeks a liquid fertilizer for green plants - or a good compost juice diluted to 1/10 if you have some! A slow-release fertilizer is possible ... Stop every fertilizing in the fall, and until the end of the following spring.

Repot my caladium

At the end of the winter every 2 or 3 years, repot your caladium in a pot slightly larger than the current one, with compost for indoor plants. If you have a beautiful compost well decomposed very woody, very draining, it works too.

Spray my caladium

In dry weather, spray your plant with soft water, clean the dust off the leaves: it will be all the more beautiful!

Caladium Bathroom



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